If you use the SmartMLS Matrix system to gather data and then disseminate it in any manner other than a Matrix display, report, export, etc., you must include the following disclaimer (or something similar to it):
Based on information provided to and compiled by the Smart MLS, Inc. covering the
period [Insert Initial Date] through [Insert Final Date].
Per Section 13.1 of the SmartMLS Rules & Regulations:
Article 13 - Use of Data and Information in Advertising
Section 13.1 Use Of Data And Information In Advertising.
Use of information from the MLS compilation of current listing information, from the Service’s
Statistical Report, or from any “sold” or “comparable” report of the Service for public mass- media
advertising by an MLS Participant or in other public representations may not be prohibited.
However, any print or non-print forms of advertising or other forms of public representations based
in whole or in part on information supplied by the Service must clearly demonstrate the period of
time over which such claims are based and must include the following, or substantially similar,
“Based on information provided to and compiled by the Smart MLS, Inc. covering the
period [Insert Initial Date] through [Insert Final Date].”
The Service shall have no liability or responsibility for the truth or accuracy of any data or
information contained in any advertising or other public representation made or sponsored by a
Participant and/or by any of its affiliated Subscribers, and each of such Participant and its affiliated
Subscribers hereby agrees to indemnify the Service and to hold the Service harmless from and
against any liability, damage, cost and expense arising from or out of any such advertising or other
public representation.
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