If your account is suspended for a past due invoice, please follow these instructions to make a payment and have your account reactivated.
Go to www.smartmls.com and login with your SmartMLS user name and password. When the Member Dashboard appears, all of the normal icons will be inaccessible. If you would like to settle your outstanding invoice(s) and restore your access to all SmartMLS products and services, click the Pay link in the Balances section towards the upper right corner of the Dashboard:
Select Check All (or use the check boxes in the Pay Now column to select the invoices you want to pay), then click Choose Payment Options:
Note: If you are not going to be using your eKey, you can deselect that portion of your invoice. However, you will not be able to deselect the $25 late fee- that must be paid in order to be reactivated.
At this point, you can review the invoices you have selected and then choose your payment method in the bottom left:
Enter your credit card information:
There is also a section at the bottom where you can set up Autopay. This is optional- if you do not wish to set up Autopay for future billings, just skip that section.
Remember to click Submit when you are done.
You may see this screen instead of the screen from the image above:
This means you already have a credit card on file with SmartMLS.
- Click Add New Card if you want to add a different card to keep on file with SmartMLS.
- Click Update Card if you want to keep the same credit card but need to update the expiration date, etc.
- If you would like to use the card on file without making any changes to it, just click I Authorize this payment.
Once your payment has been submitted, your MLS access should be reactivated within 15-20 minutes.
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