This article is designed for subscribers who would like to be a part of the SmartMLS AutoPay program, as well as those existing AutoPay members who need to update and/or delete a credit card that is currently on file for AutoPay.
Go to and click MLS Login in the upper right corner:
Enter your user name and password and click Sign In:
Once you are on the Dashboard, go to the Smart Agent Options section at the bottom of the screen and click on Agent Profile:
Go to the Menu in the upper right and click Account Information> Manage Credit Card Information:
Add a new credit card
Click the green Add Credit Card button:
Enter your credit card information, then go to the Autopayment Choices section on the right side of the screen and select the fees you would like to pay (MLS Charges and Key Fees, if applicable):
Make sure Yes is selected in the Keep on File field, then click Submit.
You will get a screen that confirms the choices you made (on the left side):
Delete old/expired credit card
If you have an old or expired credit card that you'd like to delete, log into and select Agent Profile from the Smart Agent Options section (at the bottom of the screen):
Go to the Menu in the upper right and click Account Information> Manage Credit Card Information:
The Manage Credit Cards screen opens and shows any cards you currently have on file with SmartMLS. Click the Delete Card button on the right side of the screen:
You will get a confirmation window:
Click Delete Card to completely remove the credit card.
If you want to continue on the AutoPay program, follow the steps in the first section of this article to add a new credit card to your account.
Update an existing credit card
If you have a credit card on file in the SmartMLS AutoPay program and need to update it (for example, it is expiring and you were sent a new card with a new expiration date), log into and select Agent Profile from the Smart Agent Options section (at the bottom of the screen):
Go to the Menu in the upper right and click Account Information> Manage Credit Card Information:
The Manage Credit Cards screen opens and shows any cards you currently have on file with SmartMLS.
Click the blue Update button:
Update the expiration date and click Submit:
You can then verify the card information, including the new expiration date you entered:
The system will allow you to add more than one credit card, although you can only have one card set up for AutoPay.
If you go to add another credit card and select the AutoPay box(es) for it, you will get a message letting you know that another card is currently being used to autopay the charge:
Note: you will get a separate pink warning message for each fee you choose to pay with the new card.
If you want to use the card you just added for AutoPay, click the green Save Card button in the bottom right. The ensuing screen will show you all of the cards you have on file:
The left side of the screen will indicate which card is being used for AutoPay.
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