What did I pay in fees last year?


If you would like to see what you paid SmartMLS in fees (MLS and Key) for tax purposes, go to www.smartmls.com and log in with your user name and password. Then go down to the Smart Agent Options section and click on Agent Profile:


When the next screen opens, click the Menu in the upper right:


Go to Account Information > Pay/View Invoices:





Click View Paid and Unpaid Invoices:



Your invoices are broken down into two categories: Key Fees (if applicable) and MLS Charges:




If you have any unpaid invoices, you can use the Pay Now column on the right to select and pay them. 


This screen also lists all of the invoices you have paid in the past. Clicking on any of the invoice numbers (in the far left column) will show you all of the details for that payment:




If you would like to print out the invoice, there are Print as PDF buttons at the top and bottom of the screen.



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