How to join the MLS as a Head Broker


To join SmartMLS, you need to have an active Connecticut Broker's License or an Active Reciprocal Connecticut Broker's License and you must be a member of a Board of REALTORS listed as an ACTIVE REALTOR.  Your Board does not have to be in Connecticut, but we do ask for a letter of good standing from your out of state Board of REALTORS..  Our service is REALTOR based and all members must be a member in good standing.

The attached paperwork is required in order to join the SmartMLS.  Completed paperwork should be emailed directly to

Please do not forget to include your payment information in the box provided.  Check the box if you wish to sign up for auto pay.

Once your application has been processed, you will receive a welcome email providing your user id, password and instructions on how to access the MLS.  Processing can take 24/48 hours

The fees to join are $35.35 per member per month.  We bill in 6 month cycles (November through April; May through October), not on a monthly basis.  The date you join will determine what you are billed for the rest of the current billing cycle. 

We prorate dues as of the 25th of the month.  If you join within the first 24 days of a month, you will be billed for that entire month, as well as the rest of the months in the current billing cycle.  However, if you join on the 25th or after, you will only be billed for the remaining months of the current billing cycle. 

In addition to this, there is a one-time $200.00 application fee.


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