Does an Assistant need to be an MLS member?


Yes. If an assistant is going to need access to the MLS, they must complete the Unlicensed Assistant application. 

If the assistant is licensed, then the Licensed Assistant Application must be completed. 

An unlicensed assistant does not need to pay for the MLS. 

The fee for licensed assistants is $35.35 a month. Our billing cycle is 6 months- the date you join the MLS will determine what you will be billed.

We prorate dues as of the 25th of the month. If you join within the first 24 days of a month, you will be billed for that entire month, as well as the rest of the months in the current billing cycle. However, if you join on the 25th or after, you will only be billed for the remaining months of the current billing cycle.

Both applications are attached to this document.

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