You cannot use old CTMLS, GFC CMLS or Consolidated Multiple Listing Service listing change forms or contracts because those organizations no longer exist, therefore any forms or contracts branded with those names are no longer valid.
Ideally, you should be using SmartMLS-branded documents. However, if you are a member of another MLS (Hudson-Gateway, MLS PIN, etc.), we will accept their listing change forms and contracts as well. Additionally, some Boards of Realtors have their own forms- we will also accept those.
Essentially, as long as the listing change form/contract is from an organization that is currently in business, we will accept their paperwork as valid.
However, membership forms and listing input forms are a different story- we will not accept those from any other MLS or organization. These types of forms are very specific to each MLS, so we will not accept any membership paperwork or listing input forms that are not from or for SmartMLS.
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