When the Matrix Teams functionality first launched, we did not have an effective way to invoice the team for its MLS fee that would allow the Team Leader (or anyone else on the team or in the office) to pay the invoice. You would have to call up the SmartMLS office and a staff member would have to take the payment over the phone for you.
We are pleased to announce that, starting with the May-October 2022 billing cycle, we have come up with a solution that allows the invoice to be paid by the Team Leader!
We have adjusted the Team Leader's membership record in a manner that allows us to apply the Team's MLS fee to the Team Leader's invoice.
As the Team Leader, when you receive your invoice, you will likely notice that the total amount is significantly higher than your last invoice. This is because it includes your usual MLS fee and Key fee (if applicable) as well as your Team's MLS fee.
You no longer have to call SmartMLS in order to pay your Team account. You may pay this invoice the same way you have been paying your previous invoices.
Related articles:
How do I pay my bill online? (Smart Agent Profile)
Pay your bill (Member Dashboard)
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